"'There are some things that can’t be explained in this life,' Menshiki went on, 'and some others that probably shouldn’t be explained. Especially when putting them into words ignores what is most crucial.'"
― Haruki Murakami, Killing Commendatore
Peer reviewed papers
[48] Mor-Mussery A, Zaady E, Lansky I, Shuker S, Abu-Glion H and Blank L (2025). Quantifying the dynamic of cereals and broadleaf plants in semi-arid grasslands using high-resolution satellite imaging. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 377: 109233 [pdf] Journal Link
[47] Robeck P, Blank L, van Kleunen M, Nuñez AM, Osipitan A, Ayeni A, Madani K, Zarei A, Matin M and Mesgaran BM (2024). Sustainability Nexus AID: Biological Invasions. Sustainability Nexus Forum 32: 4 [pdf] Journal Link
[46] Blank L and Mesgaran M (2024). Broadening the scope of weed research: integrating ecological theories to propel weed management, Weed Research 64: 349-355 [pdf] Journal Link
[45] Gafni R, Abu Nassar J, Matzrafi M, Blank L and Eizenberg H (2024). Unraveling the reasons for failure to control Amaranthus albus: Insights into herbicide application at different growth stages, temperature effect, and herbicide resistance on a regional scale. Pest Management Science 80: 4757-4769 [pdf] Journal Link
[44] Gafni R, Blank L and Eizenberg H (2024). Variability in germination fractions of Amaranthus albus in response to weed management and abiotic maternal conditions. European Journal of Agronomy: 127009 [pdf] Journal Link
[43] Blank L, Rozenberg G, and Gafni R (2023). Spatial and temporal aspects of weeds distribution within agricultural fields- a review. Crop Protection 172: 106300 [pdf] Journal Link
[42] Rozenberg G, Dias JLCS, Anderson WM, Sellers BA, Boughton RK, Piccolo MB, and Blank L (2023). Using a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle for mapping Giant smutgrass in Bahiagrass pastures. Precision Agriculture 24: 971-985 [pdf] Journal Link
[41] Krasnov H, Ezra D, Bahri BA, Cacciola SO, Meparishvili G, Migheli Q, and Blank L (2023). Potential distribution of the citrus Mal Secco disease in the Mediterranean basin under current and future climate conditions. Plant Pathology 72: 765-773 [pdf] Journal Link
[40] Gafni R, Ziv GA, Eizenberg H and Blank L (2023). A regional-scale study of the contribution of local, management and climate factors to the infestation of processing tomato fields with Amaranthus species. European Journal of Agronomy 143: 126722 [pdf] Journal Link
[39] Blank L, Ezra D, Fooks J, Shulhani R, Krasnov H and Shtienberg D (2023). Within orchard spatial distribution of mature avocado trees mortality. Phytoparasitica 51: 131-139 [pdf] Journal Link
[38] Zecharia N, Krasnov H, Vanunu M, Castillo A, Siri AC, Haberman A, Dror O, Vakel L, Almeida RPP, Blank L, Shtienberg D and Bahar O (2022). Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in Israel: population genetics, host range and temporal and spatial distribution analysis. Phytopathology 112: 2253-2471 [pdf] Journal Link
[37] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Ovadia S, Sharon R, Harari AR and Blank L (2021). Inconsistent effects of local and landscape factors on two key pests in Israeli vineyards. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 900-910 [pdf] Journal Link
[36] Rozenberg G, Kent R and Blank L (2021). Consumer-grade UAV utilized for detecting and analyzing late-season weed spatial distribution patterns in commercial onion fields. Precision Agriculture 22: 1317-1332 [pdf] Journal Link
[35] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Silberstein M, Gazit Y and Blank L (2021). Empirical evidence of the Mediterranean fruit fly movement between orchard types. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 417-426 [pdf] Journal Link
[34] Sinai I, Oron T, Weil G, Sachal R, Koplovich A, Blaustein L, Templeton AR and Blank L (2020). Estimating the effects of road-kills on the Fire Salamander population along a river. Journal for Nature Conservation 58: 125917 [pdf] Journal Link
[33] Tsror (Lahkim) L, Lebiush S, Hazanovsky M, Erlich O and Blank L (2020). Aerial dispersal of Spongospora subterranea sp. f. subterranea, the causal agent of potato powdery scab. European Journal of Plant Pathology 158: 391-401 [pdf] Journal Link
[32] Drenkhan R, Ganley B, Martín-García J, Vahalík P, Adamson K, Adamčíková K, Ahumada R, Blank L, Bragança H, Capretti P, Cleary M, Cornejo C, Davydenko K, Diez JJ, Doğmuş-Lehtijärvi HT, Dvořák M, Enderle R, Fourie G, Georgieva M, Ghelardini L, Hantula J, Ioos R, Iturritxa E, Kanetis L, Karpun NN, Koltay A, Landeras E, Markovskaja S, Mesanza N, Milenkovic I, Musolin DL, Nikolaou K, Nowakowska JA, Ogris N, Oskay F, Oszako T, Papazova-Anakieva I, Paraschiv M, Pasquali M, Pecori F, Rafoss T, Raitelaitytė K, Raposo R, Robin C, Rodas CA, Santini A, Sanz-Ros AV, Selikhovkin AV, Solla A, Soukainen M, Soulioti N, Steenkamp ET, Tsopelas P, Vemić A, Vettraino AM, Wingfield MJ, Woodward S, Zamora-Ballesteros C, Mullett MS (2020). Global geographic distribution and host range of Fusarium circinatum, the causal agent of pine pitch canker. Forests 11: 724 [pdf] Journal Link. Named Editor's choice
[31] Sinai I, Segev O, Koplovich A, Templeton AR, Blaustein L, and Blank L (2020). Relationships among breeding site characteristics and adult population size of the Fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. Hydrobiologia 847: 2999-3012 [pdf] Journal Link
[30] Ben-Hamo M, Ezra D, Krasnov H, and Blank L (2020). Spatial and temporal dynamics of Mal Secco disease spread in lemon orchards in Israel. Phytopathology 110: 863-872 [pdf] Journal Link
[29] Marmen S, Blank L, Al-Ashhab A, Malik A, Ganzert L, Lalzar L, Grossart HP and Sher DJ (2020). The role of land use types and water chemical properties in structuring the microbiomes of a connected lake system. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 89 [pdf] Journal Link. Named an Editor's Pick
[28] Blank L, Birger N, and Eizenberg H (2019). Spatial and temporal distribution of Ecballium elaterium in almond orchards.
Agronomy 9: 751 [pdf] Journal Link
[27] Bagavathiannan MV, Graham S, Ma Z., Barney JN, Coutts SR, Caicedo AL, De Clerck-Floate R, West NM, Blank L, Metcalf AL, Lacoste M, Moreno CR, Evans JA, Burke I and Beckie H (2019). Considering weed management as a social dilemma bridges individual and collective interests. Nature Plants 5: 343-351 Journal Link
[26] Sinai I, Segev O, Weil G, Oron T, Merilä J, Templeton AR, Blaustein L, Greenbaum G, and Blank L (2019). The role of landscape and history on the genetic structure of peripheral populations of the Near Eastern fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, in Northern Israel. Conservation Genetics 20: 875-889 [pdf] Journal Link
[25] Blank L, Martín-García J, Bezos D, Vettraino AM, Krasnov H, Lomba JM, Fernández and Diez JJ (2019). Factors affecting the distribution of Pine Pitch Canker in Northern Spain. Forests 10: 305 [pdf] Journal Link
[24] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Mendelsohn O, Silberstein M, Gazit Y and Blank L (2019). The effect of local and landscape variables on Mediterranean fruit fly dynamics in citrus orchards utilizing the ecoinformatics approach. Journal of Pest Science 92: 453-463 [pdf] Journal Link
[23] Firester B, Shtienberg D and Blank L (2018). Modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of Phytophthora infestans at a regional scale. Plant Pathology 67: 1552-1561 [pdf] Journal Link
[22] Danieli R*, Blank L*, Salam BB, Malka SK, Teper-Bamnolker P, Daus A, Zig U, Amichay M, Shemer Z, Gal-On A and Eshel D (2018). Postharvest temperature has a greater impact on apical dominance of potato seed-tuber than field growing-degree-days exposure. Field Crops Research 223: 105-112 (* equal contribution) [pdf] Journal Link
[21] Mendelsohn O, Dayan T, Aidlin-Harari S, Silberstein M, Orlov V and Blank L (2018). Mediterranean fruit fly sub-plot hotspots prediction by experts' experience. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 371-379 [pdf] Journal Link
[20] Blaustein L, Segev O, Rovelli V, Bar-David S, Blank L, Polevikov A, Pezaro N, Krugman T, Showstack S, Ozeri L and Templeton AR (2017). Compassionate approaches for the conservation and protection of fire salamanders. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 63: 43-51 Journal Link
[19] Cohen Y, Roei I, Blank L, Goldstein E and Eizenberg H (2017). Spatial distribution of the root parasitic weed Phelipanche aegyptiaca in processing tomatoes using ecoinformatics and spatial analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 973 [pdf] Journal Link
[18] Blank L, Vasl A, Schindler BY, Kadas G and Blaustein L (2017). Horizontal and vertical island biogeography of arthropods on green roofs: a Review. Urban Ecosystems 20: 911-917 [pdf] Journal Link
[17] Marman S, Man-Aharonovich D, Grossowicz M, Blank L, Yacobi Y and Sher DJ (2016). Distribution and habitat specificity of potentially-toxic Microcystis across climate, land and water use gradients. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 271 [pdf] Journal Link
[16] Blank L, Cohen Y, Borenstein M, Shulhani R, Lofthouse M, Sofer M and Shtienberg D (2016). Variables associated with severity of bacterial canker and wilt caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato greenhouses. Phytopathology 106: 254-261 [pdf] Journal Link
[15] Schindler BY, Blank L, Levy S, Kadas G, Pearlmutter D and Blaustein L (2016). Integration of photovoltaic panels and green roofs: review and predictions of effects on electricity production and plant communities. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 62: 68-73 [pdf] Journal Link
[14] Segev O, Polevikove A, Blank L, Goedbloed D, Küpfer E, Gershberg A, Koplovich A and Blaustein L (2015). Effects of tail clipping on larval performance and tail regeneration rates in the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. PloS ONE 10(6): e0128077 [pdf] Journal Link
[13] Kershenbaum A, Blank L, Sinai I, Merilä J, Blaustein L and Templeton AR (2014). Landscape influences on dispersal behaviour: A theoretical model and empirical test using the fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. Oecologia 175: 509-520 [pdf] Journal Link
[12] Blank L, Luoto M and Merilä J (2014). Potential effects of climate change on the distribution of the common frog Rana temporaria at its northern range margin. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 59: 130-140 [pdf] Journal Link
[11] Blank L and Blaustein L (2014). A multi-scale analysis of breeding site characteristics of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at its extreme southern range limit. Hydrobiologia 726: 229-244 [pdf] Journal Link
[10] Carmel Y, Kent R, Bar-Massada A, Blank L, Liberzon J, Nezer O, Sapir G and Federman R (2013). Trends in Ecological Research during the Last Three Decades – A Systematic Review. PloS ONE 8 (4): e59813 [pdf] Journal Link
[9] Blank L, Vasl A, Levy S, Grant G, Kadas G, Dafni A and Blaustein L (2013). Directions in green roof research: a bibliometric study. Building and Environment 66: 23-128 [pdf] Journal Link
[8] Blank L, Sinai I, Bar-David S, Peleg N, Segev O, Sadeh A, Kopelman MN, Templeton AR, Merilä J and Blaustein L (2013) Genetic population structure of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at the southernmost extreme of its distribution. Animal Conservation 16: 412-421 [pdf] Journal Link
[7] Blank L and Blaustein L (2012). Using ecological niche modeling to predict the distributions of two endangered amphibian species in aquatic breeding sites. Hydrobiologia 693: 157-167 [pdf] Journal Link
[6] Blank L, Linker R and Carmel Y (2012). A multi-scale analysis of herbaceous species richness in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 113-121 [pdf] Journal Link
[5] Blank L and Carmel Y (2012). Woody vegetation patch type determines herbaceous species richness and composition in Mediterranean ecosystem. Community Ecology 13 (1): 72-81 [pdf] Journal Link. Named and Editors choice
[4] Bar Massada A, Kent R, Blank L, Hadar L, Perevolotsky A and Carmel Y (2011). Mapping Mediterranean vegetation using continuous structural characteristics. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (2): 346-364 [pdf] Journal Link
[3] Bitler A, Lev N, Fridmann-Sirkis Y, Blank L, Cohen SR and Shai Y (2010). Kinetics of interaction of HIV fusion protein (gp41) with lipid membranes studied by real-time AFM imaging. Ultramicroscopy 110 (6): 694-700 [pdf] Journal Link
[2] Lev N*, Fridmann-Sirkis Y*, Blank L*, Bitler A, Epand RF, Epand RM and Shai Y (2009). The conformational stability and membrane interaction of the full-length ectodomain of HIV-1 gp41: implication for mode of action. Biochemistry 48 (14): 3166-3175 (* equal contribution) [pdf] Journal Link
[1] Peisajovich SG, Blank L, Epand RF, Epand RM and Shai Y (2003). On the interaction between gp41 and membranes: the immunodominant loop stabilizes gp41 helical hairpin conformation. Journal of Molecular Biology 326 (5): 1489-1501 [pdf] Journal Link
[47] Robeck P, Blank L, van Kleunen M, Nuñez AM, Osipitan A, Ayeni A, Madani K, Zarei A, Matin M and Mesgaran BM (2024). Sustainability Nexus AID: Biological Invasions. Sustainability Nexus Forum 32: 4 [pdf] Journal Link
[46] Blank L and Mesgaran M (2024). Broadening the scope of weed research: integrating ecological theories to propel weed management, Weed Research 64: 349-355 [pdf] Journal Link
[45] Gafni R, Abu Nassar J, Matzrafi M, Blank L and Eizenberg H (2024). Unraveling the reasons for failure to control Amaranthus albus: Insights into herbicide application at different growth stages, temperature effect, and herbicide resistance on a regional scale. Pest Management Science 80: 4757-4769 [pdf] Journal Link
[44] Gafni R, Blank L and Eizenberg H (2024). Variability in germination fractions of Amaranthus albus in response to weed management and abiotic maternal conditions. European Journal of Agronomy: 127009 [pdf] Journal Link
[43] Blank L, Rozenberg G, and Gafni R (2023). Spatial and temporal aspects of weeds distribution within agricultural fields- a review. Crop Protection 172: 106300 [pdf] Journal Link
[42] Rozenberg G, Dias JLCS, Anderson WM, Sellers BA, Boughton RK, Piccolo MB, and Blank L (2023). Using a low-cost unmanned aerial vehicle for mapping Giant smutgrass in Bahiagrass pastures. Precision Agriculture 24: 971-985 [pdf] Journal Link
[41] Krasnov H, Ezra D, Bahri BA, Cacciola SO, Meparishvili G, Migheli Q, and Blank L (2023). Potential distribution of the citrus Mal Secco disease in the Mediterranean basin under current and future climate conditions. Plant Pathology 72: 765-773 [pdf] Journal Link
[40] Gafni R, Ziv GA, Eizenberg H and Blank L (2023). A regional-scale study of the contribution of local, management and climate factors to the infestation of processing tomato fields with Amaranthus species. European Journal of Agronomy 143: 126722 [pdf] Journal Link
[39] Blank L, Ezra D, Fooks J, Shulhani R, Krasnov H and Shtienberg D (2023). Within orchard spatial distribution of mature avocado trees mortality. Phytoparasitica 51: 131-139 [pdf] Journal Link
[38] Zecharia N, Krasnov H, Vanunu M, Castillo A, Siri AC, Haberman A, Dror O, Vakel L, Almeida RPP, Blank L, Shtienberg D and Bahar O (2022). Xylella fastidiosa outbreak in Israel: population genetics, host range and temporal and spatial distribution analysis. Phytopathology 112: 2253-2471 [pdf] Journal Link
[37] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Ovadia S, Sharon R, Harari AR and Blank L (2021). Inconsistent effects of local and landscape factors on two key pests in Israeli vineyards. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 900-910 [pdf] Journal Link
[36] Rozenberg G, Kent R and Blank L (2021). Consumer-grade UAV utilized for detecting and analyzing late-season weed spatial distribution patterns in commercial onion fields. Precision Agriculture 22: 1317-1332 [pdf] Journal Link
[35] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Silberstein M, Gazit Y and Blank L (2021). Empirical evidence of the Mediterranean fruit fly movement between orchard types. Journal of Applied Entomology 145: 417-426 [pdf] Journal Link
[34] Sinai I, Oron T, Weil G, Sachal R, Koplovich A, Blaustein L, Templeton AR and Blank L (2020). Estimating the effects of road-kills on the Fire Salamander population along a river. Journal for Nature Conservation 58: 125917 [pdf] Journal Link
[33] Tsror (Lahkim) L, Lebiush S, Hazanovsky M, Erlich O and Blank L (2020). Aerial dispersal of Spongospora subterranea sp. f. subterranea, the causal agent of potato powdery scab. European Journal of Plant Pathology 158: 391-401 [pdf] Journal Link
[32] Drenkhan R, Ganley B, Martín-García J, Vahalík P, Adamson K, Adamčíková K, Ahumada R, Blank L, Bragança H, Capretti P, Cleary M, Cornejo C, Davydenko K, Diez JJ, Doğmuş-Lehtijärvi HT, Dvořák M, Enderle R, Fourie G, Georgieva M, Ghelardini L, Hantula J, Ioos R, Iturritxa E, Kanetis L, Karpun NN, Koltay A, Landeras E, Markovskaja S, Mesanza N, Milenkovic I, Musolin DL, Nikolaou K, Nowakowska JA, Ogris N, Oskay F, Oszako T, Papazova-Anakieva I, Paraschiv M, Pasquali M, Pecori F, Rafoss T, Raitelaitytė K, Raposo R, Robin C, Rodas CA, Santini A, Sanz-Ros AV, Selikhovkin AV, Solla A, Soukainen M, Soulioti N, Steenkamp ET, Tsopelas P, Vemić A, Vettraino AM, Wingfield MJ, Woodward S, Zamora-Ballesteros C, Mullett MS (2020). Global geographic distribution and host range of Fusarium circinatum, the causal agent of pine pitch canker. Forests 11: 724 [pdf] Journal Link. Named Editor's choice
[31] Sinai I, Segev O, Koplovich A, Templeton AR, Blaustein L, and Blank L (2020). Relationships among breeding site characteristics and adult population size of the Fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. Hydrobiologia 847: 2999-3012 [pdf] Journal Link
[30] Ben-Hamo M, Ezra D, Krasnov H, and Blank L (2020). Spatial and temporal dynamics of Mal Secco disease spread in lemon orchards in Israel. Phytopathology 110: 863-872 [pdf] Journal Link
[29] Marmen S, Blank L, Al-Ashhab A, Malik A, Ganzert L, Lalzar L, Grossart HP and Sher DJ (2020). The role of land use types and water chemical properties in structuring the microbiomes of a connected lake system. Frontiers in Microbiology 11: 89 [pdf] Journal Link. Named an Editor's Pick
[28] Blank L, Birger N, and Eizenberg H (2019). Spatial and temporal distribution of Ecballium elaterium in almond orchards.
Agronomy 9: 751 [pdf] Journal Link
[27] Bagavathiannan MV, Graham S, Ma Z., Barney JN, Coutts SR, Caicedo AL, De Clerck-Floate R, West NM, Blank L, Metcalf AL, Lacoste M, Moreno CR, Evans JA, Burke I and Beckie H (2019). Considering weed management as a social dilemma bridges individual and collective interests. Nature Plants 5: 343-351 Journal Link
[26] Sinai I, Segev O, Weil G, Oron T, Merilä J, Templeton AR, Blaustein L, Greenbaum G, and Blank L (2019). The role of landscape and history on the genetic structure of peripheral populations of the Near Eastern fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata, in Northern Israel. Conservation Genetics 20: 875-889 [pdf] Journal Link
[25] Blank L, Martín-García J, Bezos D, Vettraino AM, Krasnov H, Lomba JM, Fernández and Diez JJ (2019). Factors affecting the distribution of Pine Pitch Canker in Northern Spain. Forests 10: 305 [pdf] Journal Link
[24] Krasnov H, Cohen Y, Goldshtein E, Mendelsohn O, Silberstein M, Gazit Y and Blank L (2019). The effect of local and landscape variables on Mediterranean fruit fly dynamics in citrus orchards utilizing the ecoinformatics approach. Journal of Pest Science 92: 453-463 [pdf] Journal Link
[23] Firester B, Shtienberg D and Blank L (2018). Modeling the spatiotemporal dynamics of Phytophthora infestans at a regional scale. Plant Pathology 67: 1552-1561 [pdf] Journal Link
[22] Danieli R*, Blank L*, Salam BB, Malka SK, Teper-Bamnolker P, Daus A, Zig U, Amichay M, Shemer Z, Gal-On A and Eshel D (2018). Postharvest temperature has a greater impact on apical dominance of potato seed-tuber than field growing-degree-days exposure. Field Crops Research 223: 105-112 (* equal contribution) [pdf] Journal Link
[21] Mendelsohn O, Dayan T, Aidlin-Harari S, Silberstein M, Orlov V and Blank L (2018). Mediterranean fruit fly sub-plot hotspots prediction by experts' experience. Journal of Applied Entomology 142: 371-379 [pdf] Journal Link
[20] Blaustein L, Segev O, Rovelli V, Bar-David S, Blank L, Polevikov A, Pezaro N, Krugman T, Showstack S, Ozeri L and Templeton AR (2017). Compassionate approaches for the conservation and protection of fire salamanders. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 63: 43-51 Journal Link
[19] Cohen Y, Roei I, Blank L, Goldstein E and Eizenberg H (2017). Spatial distribution of the root parasitic weed Phelipanche aegyptiaca in processing tomatoes using ecoinformatics and spatial analysis. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 973 [pdf] Journal Link
[18] Blank L, Vasl A, Schindler BY, Kadas G and Blaustein L (2017). Horizontal and vertical island biogeography of arthropods on green roofs: a Review. Urban Ecosystems 20: 911-917 [pdf] Journal Link
[17] Marman S, Man-Aharonovich D, Grossowicz M, Blank L, Yacobi Y and Sher DJ (2016). Distribution and habitat specificity of potentially-toxic Microcystis across climate, land and water use gradients. Frontiers in Microbiology 7: 271 [pdf] Journal Link
[16] Blank L, Cohen Y, Borenstein M, Shulhani R, Lofthouse M, Sofer M and Shtienberg D (2016). Variables associated with severity of bacterial canker and wilt caused by Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis in tomato greenhouses. Phytopathology 106: 254-261 [pdf] Journal Link
[15] Schindler BY, Blank L, Levy S, Kadas G, Pearlmutter D and Blaustein L (2016). Integration of photovoltaic panels and green roofs: review and predictions of effects on electricity production and plant communities. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 62: 68-73 [pdf] Journal Link
[14] Segev O, Polevikove A, Blank L, Goedbloed D, Küpfer E, Gershberg A, Koplovich A and Blaustein L (2015). Effects of tail clipping on larval performance and tail regeneration rates in the Near Eastern Fire Salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. PloS ONE 10(6): e0128077 [pdf] Journal Link
[13] Kershenbaum A, Blank L, Sinai I, Merilä J, Blaustein L and Templeton AR (2014). Landscape influences on dispersal behaviour: A theoretical model and empirical test using the fire salamander, Salamandra infraimmaculata. Oecologia 175: 509-520 [pdf] Journal Link
[12] Blank L, Luoto M and Merilä J (2014). Potential effects of climate change on the distribution of the common frog Rana temporaria at its northern range margin. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 59: 130-140 [pdf] Journal Link
[11] Blank L and Blaustein L (2014). A multi-scale analysis of breeding site characteristics of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at its extreme southern range limit. Hydrobiologia 726: 229-244 [pdf] Journal Link
[10] Carmel Y, Kent R, Bar-Massada A, Blank L, Liberzon J, Nezer O, Sapir G and Federman R (2013). Trends in Ecological Research during the Last Three Decades – A Systematic Review. PloS ONE 8 (4): e59813 [pdf] Journal Link
[9] Blank L, Vasl A, Levy S, Grant G, Kadas G, Dafni A and Blaustein L (2013). Directions in green roof research: a bibliometric study. Building and Environment 66: 23-128 [pdf] Journal Link
[8] Blank L, Sinai I, Bar-David S, Peleg N, Segev O, Sadeh A, Kopelman MN, Templeton AR, Merilä J and Blaustein L (2013) Genetic population structure of the endangered fire salamander (Salamandra infraimmaculata) at the southernmost extreme of its distribution. Animal Conservation 16: 412-421 [pdf] Journal Link
[7] Blank L and Blaustein L (2012). Using ecological niche modeling to predict the distributions of two endangered amphibian species in aquatic breeding sites. Hydrobiologia 693: 157-167 [pdf] Journal Link
[6] Blank L, Linker R and Carmel Y (2012). A multi-scale analysis of herbaceous species richness in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Journal of Plant Ecology 6: 113-121 [pdf] Journal Link
[5] Blank L and Carmel Y (2012). Woody vegetation patch type determines herbaceous species richness and composition in Mediterranean ecosystem. Community Ecology 13 (1): 72-81 [pdf] Journal Link. Named and Editors choice
[4] Bar Massada A, Kent R, Blank L, Hadar L, Perevolotsky A and Carmel Y (2011). Mapping Mediterranean vegetation using continuous structural characteristics. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33 (2): 346-364 [pdf] Journal Link
[3] Bitler A, Lev N, Fridmann-Sirkis Y, Blank L, Cohen SR and Shai Y (2010). Kinetics of interaction of HIV fusion protein (gp41) with lipid membranes studied by real-time AFM imaging. Ultramicroscopy 110 (6): 694-700 [pdf] Journal Link
[2] Lev N*, Fridmann-Sirkis Y*, Blank L*, Bitler A, Epand RF, Epand RM and Shai Y (2009). The conformational stability and membrane interaction of the full-length ectodomain of HIV-1 gp41: implication for mode of action. Biochemistry 48 (14): 3166-3175 (* equal contribution) [pdf] Journal Link
[1] Peisajovich SG, Blank L, Epand RF, Epand RM and Shai Y (2003). On the interaction between gp41 and membranes: the immunodominant loop stabilizes gp41 helical hairpin conformation. Journal of Molecular Biology 326 (5): 1489-1501 [pdf] Journal Link